Friday, September 30, 2011

Clever title to be inserted here when one occurs to me

All in all, today's oncology visit was fairly good. The results on the fluid tapped off my stomach last week were "inconclusive" so couldn't rule out the presence of cancer cells. Other blood counts were pretty good though, considering that I had chemo on Wednesday. The physical exam also didn't turn up any new concerns.

So unless there's some change over the weekend, I'll go Wednesday for another chemo treatment.If I do get uncomfortable, I'll get fluid tapped off again at the hospital.

Longish aside: It's strange how warped body image is in our culture. I've noticed people's shapes so much more often in the last few months than I have since I was a teenager. I see signs that someone may be losing weight because they are struggling with health problems that I would have missed before. I wonder if another person may be reacting to steroids. Things my eyes would probably have glided past not too long ago, or maybe even have blamed the person for (from bad eating habits, etc.).

Anyway, I admit that I liked it a lot better when what looked like an early "baby bump" was one. But it's good to be gaining more awareness and tolerance of all our shapes.

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