Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Praise for poison

I had chemo today, and honestly was glad to have poison coursing through my veins. Good old platelets made the cutoff point. These treatments take forever (five hours or so today) but the next one is scheduled for two weeks out, so I'll have some time to rest. Next week I'll get another PET scan and we'll re-evaluate. Again.

Also meanwhile, the home nursing care people will come take a look at the house and make suggestions about where/how to make improvements so getting around is easier and safer for me. (Deepest thanks to those who have such changes more feasible. You know who you are.)

Sunday I felt pretty good; today was hard with lots of pain and weakness in one hip. I don't know what makes the difference. If you get emails or see posts that seem radically different in tone or coherence from one another or my usual, let's go on and attribute that to the same unknown factor. Artistic license?

Tomorrow may well bring silence. Or chattiness. Remember to comment or email back!