Saturday, October 15, 2011


Good morning, all. I'm afraid the latest take on my medical state isn't good. Our dear and trusted oncologist, Dr. Partridge, says it is time to sign up for hospice care. She has been edging toward that for some time, and I could tell from how I feel that things have moved toward that point.

The good part is that hospice care here is good and offers pretty complete services. They will be very helpful as we navigate this part of the journey.

If you want to get in touch, email is probably best.

Love to all.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

No birthday wishes

Busy day here. Since last week was so hard as far as my weakness, we set up a bunch of evaluations with home health care. I saw a nurse, a physical therapist and an occupational therapist. We started getting a bunch of stuff in order -- we have on order a walker, compression socks, several such things to make it easier for me to get around. I'll see therapists several times a week, and will work to rebuild my strength. We're hoping this is a turning point that will get me on my feet again.

It will take a while, I know. I'd prefer just to curl up in a ball and sleep. But I'll give it my best shot. As Howard wrote in one of his essays in Liminal Space (can't remember which), the "battle" metaphor isn't my favorite one for fighting this disease... brave, etc... but there's still some punch in me.

Till then, I'm not up for visitors, I'm afraid. And, please, no public birthday mentions. Thanks for the notes and wishes, though. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Listening to Jungle Book

I don't know what to say other than things are not going too well here. A home health care person will come to take blood samples tomorrow. Then I'll have time to relax; at least, I hope so.

Please keep fingers crossed, good karma aimed our way.

Friday, October 7, 2011

New post, old fogey?

Once upon a time...

I could type 90 wpm. Now most teenagers don't know what wpm stands for. It doesn't mean much for job searches anyway. I certainly have trouble finding the home keys. Which are different than house keys, which I can't find either.

So how can I be expected to operate the library's online loan system? I don't mean to put myself in the Luddite category, because I can be good at this stuff, but it should be easier. Do I need a separate iTunes account to check out  an audio book from the library?

Ah, well, at least there's plenty of good music on the iPod.

Update? Still very weak. Trying to figure out how to make logistics work, with some progress along those lines. Lots of sleeping.

Good night.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Boomerang ... or banana?

These days can really whip around on me. I seem to have lost what little strength was left in my arms and legs overnight. Howard did a yeoman's job in moving me around this afternoon and evening, literally.

We're looking forward to hearing what the home health care advisers have to say. I asked Howard to postpone their visit -- a mistake there.

Clark homecoming this weekend. Maybe that will be a nice change of pace.

(For those who still can't manage to add comments, sorry. I can't find any easy way either. You click on where it shows the number of comments, Then type your comment in the box. Beyond that, Email me with ideas. Thx.)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Praise for poison

I had chemo today, and honestly was glad to have poison coursing through my veins. Good old platelets made the cutoff point. These treatments take forever (five hours or so today) but the next one is scheduled for two weeks out, so I'll have some time to rest. Next week I'll get another PET scan and we'll re-evaluate. Again.

Also meanwhile, the home nursing care people will come take a look at the house and make suggestions about where/how to make improvements so getting around is easier and safer for me. (Deepest thanks to those who have such changes more feasible. You know who you are.)

Sunday I felt pretty good; today was hard with lots of pain and weakness in one hip. I don't know what makes the difference. If you get emails or see posts that seem radically different in tone or coherence from one another or my usual, let's go on and attribute that to the same unknown factor. Artistic license?

Tomorrow may well bring silence. Or chattiness. Remember to comment or email back!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Freudian typo?

About half the time, when I type the word "cancer" it comes out "cancern." I'm both amused and touched by that -- cancer and concern combined.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Suggestions welcome

Things on to-do list for today: 3. Things accomplished so far: 0. Where to start? Sitting up?