I didn't end up having chemo today. My platelets are steady, but still low (amazing, isn't it?, humans' ability to interpret signs as positive -- which steady is in this case, even if not high as we'd like).
Rather, I will have an ultrasound of my abdomen on Friday to figure out what's causing some bloating in that area. Nothing worth emergency attention at this point, but it could be related to protein intake or liver function. They might drain off extra fluid and give me more platelets on Friday. Or there might not be enough to be worth draining off. Then we'll see about chemo again next week.
Still feeling better than I did on Monday, so I am reading and listening to audio stories and napping. I wish I could dole out the chance for all of you to do that same as desired.
I didn't realize how much I missed hearing from you directly. Even though it's a blog-post, your unique voice shines through. However, I suspect you don't feel like shining very much lately. It is a comfort to read your words.